Chemotherapy Drug
So I posted a picture that is hard for me to post, as it is my sister, Natalie. She has been on a trial chemotherapy drug that is rough on her skin. The palms of her hands and soles of her feet are suffering from what appears to be burns and she says it painful like a burn. For someone who deals with skin, this is a hard thing to determine exactly what may be going on here but with harsh trial medications, one can only guess. I made a call to the manufacturer of SKINCANDO. Sara Damelio, is the creator of clean skincare salves that I have worked with for over a decade, having wonderful results. Sara informed me that Combat Ready Balm would be the best product for Natalie to use, as it is recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation for use on patients undergoing chemotherapy. Wow, even I didn’t know that! Natalie used the cream 3 times a day for 5 days, and well I photographed the amazing results to share with you. If you, a friend or relative are suffering with any variety of skin issues including ezcema, psoriasis, severe dryness, minor abrasions, post-shaving burn, chafing, scare, jock itch, bug bites and sun/wind burn this balm is a healer. When there’s something I don’t know, trust me, I know the right people to ask! I can help.