What you need to know about the difference between Micro-needling & Derma-rollers.



After reading an article at InStyle online magazine, I decided that I needed to post an my honest review of the derma roller craze, which is coming from the buzz around Micro-needling that is offered in spa’s, dermatologist and plastics office.    I strongly disagree with the articles limited information regarding the risk of using these tools at home.  The above image is a generic stock image of a derma roller, they are available in many colors and sizes.   The tool works by puncturing tiny little holes into the top of the epidermis using a rolling ball of needles.  Many companies offer these tools for purchase to be utilized as part of an at home skincare regime.  I am going to help you understand what you need to know about the difference between Micro-needing & Derma-rollers.

Micro-needling is all the rage in skin treatments,  boasting fantastic results therefore the derma-roller is hoping to continue the craze with it’s at home variety.  Micro-needling is an extremely popular service offered at dermatologist and plastics offices, as well as some spa’s like yours truly!  How it works is fine gauge needles bore tiny holes into the surface, and then the skin must work rapidly to repair them.   Creating new cell production, collagen and elastin are formed thus making the new cells healthy and younger looking.   A generous amount of highly potent serums like Hylaronic Acid, are often applied while the skin is open, thus delivering them directly into the lower layers of the epidermis and top layers of the dermis.  New youthful cells, plus added collagen and elastin… then boost it with a little H20 (Hylaronic) and VIOLA, skin is tighter, brighter, plumper and more youthful!

Now let me break down what you need to know about the difference between Micro-needling & Derma-rollers.

The micro-needling tool utilized by professionals is armed with small cluster of needles in a round stamp type formation fitting into a pen shaped device for easy and accurate handling of the device, therefore allowing for even distribution of the entire application.  A topical analgesic ointment is often applied before the procedure.  The tool is equipped with a certain size needle to ensure the correct depth of penetration,  it is not determined by pressure from the technician. One of the biggest differences between the two treatments is the fact that the needles on a dermaroller do not penetrate the skin vertically.  When comparing the two treatments, the micro-needles enter and exit the skin vertically.  The micro-channels that are created with automated micro-needling are vertical, which is the desired result.

Derma-roller is handheld roller with needles.  So whether you are using a dermaroller on a patient or yourself, the needles enter and exit the skin at an angle due to the application itself.   The angle of the micro-needles can actually make tears in the skin and create a larger micro-channel than desired.  As well as, someone at home may use the roller in uneven patterns around the face leaving the integrity of the skin in jeopardy.  The skin is our protective barrier,  deliberately compromising the skin’s integrity is not something to be taken lightly.  Secondly consider the pressure in which the roller is applied to the skin is going to determine the depth of penetration of the needles.  Depth of penetration can be responsible for risk of injury to the connective tissue could cause a variety of issues with skin tone and texture, as well as leaving you at risk for infection!  Utilizing tools that penetrate the layers of the skin should be left to a professional and not just any professional, but someone with great references and referrals!  Oh, and don’t even get me started on the sanitation of a tool at home vs in a proper clinical setting.  Sanitation is of the upmost importance with a procedure like this as the needles are designed to break the skin leaving it vulnerable to bacteria and other germs.

Proper skin analysis under a lighted microscope is vitally important when doing a treatment where you bore tiny holes into the epidermis.   Proper sanitation is a must.  Precision handling is absolutely crucial to the success of the treatment.  Pre and Post care for this service are going to make a huge difference in the results.  I offer DerMed products including post treatment and home care to support this service including (I am listing the following items to help inform you of how the regeneration takes place to replicate strong healthy new cells and how certain ingredients will perform better than others to do just that.)

Bio Derm Nutri Gel (Copper Peptide, Palmitoyl Tripeptide, Matrixyl and Nicinamide): Copper is one of the elements that the fibroblast requires for collagen synthesis. It is especially important in the early phases of wound healing by encouraging the placement of wound collagen from the bottom up (regenerative healing+stong connective tissue), as opposed to from the top down (cicatricial healing = weak connective tissue.) All of these peptides have research history of influencing collagen deposition, particularly the palmitoyl oligopeptide and Matrixyl®

Bio-Derm Nutri Oil
A deep cell hydrating oil treatment formulated to support the skin’s immune system for accelerated healing post treatment. Immune cell activity is heightened in a well-hydrated and nourished cell environment reducing the incidence of inflammatory responses. Also contains LumiSkin a potent Tryosinase inhibitor to help lighten the appearance of skin discoloration and promotes more even skin tone.

Recommended Home Care:
Vital C Serum (Without vitamin C and iron, hydroxylation does not take place, and collagen fails to produce triple helixes, resulting in weak connective tissues. This may interfere with wound healing and accelerate the aging process.)

I look forward to answering any additional questions or concerns you may have about this service.  Please feel free to reach out to me, call or text at 803-348-8367.  My studio is located inside Capelli Studio Salons at 615 Johnnie Dodds Blvd. Suite 101, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464.

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